Four Reasons Why Runners Should Hit The Gym

Running is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that keeps you fit and healthy. However, adding a gym routine to your training regimen can take your running performance to the next level. In this blog, we'll explore four reasons why going to the gym is crucial for runners. From injury prevention to enhanced performance, these benefits will help you become a stronger and more efficient runner.

Assists in Loading Connective Tissues and Muscles, Preventing Injuries:

Running puts a significant amount of stress on your body, particularly your muscles and connective tissues. One of the key reasons to incorporate gym workouts is to strengthen these structures to reduce the risk of injuries. Resistance training, such as weightlifting, has been shown to improve the strength of tendons, ligaments, and muscles surrounding the joints. This added strength helps absorb impact forces better, reducing the likelihood of overuse injuries like tendinitis and stress fractures.

Studies have demonstrated that runners who include strength training in their routine experience fewer injuries and have better overall running performance compared to those who solely focus on running. By working on your weak points and imbalances through targeted exercises, you'll be building a stronger foundation for your running pursuits.

Helps You Run Faster by Enhancing Neuromuscular Power and Coordination:

Speed is a crucial aspect of any runner's journey, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned athlete. The gym can be a game-changer when it comes to increasing your running speed. By engaging in plyometric exercises and explosive movements, you can enhance your neuromuscular power and coordination.

Plyometric exercises, like box jumps and medicine ball throws, improve your muscles' ability to produce force rapidly, translating into a more powerful stride and faster acceleration. Additionally, functional strength exercises that mimic running movements can enhance the connection between your brain and muscles, resulting in improved running efficiency.

Improves Running Economy by Boosting Stride:

Running economy, defined as the energy required to maintain a given pace, is a critical factor in long-distance running. The better your running economy, the longer and faster you can run with less fatigue. Gym workouts can play a significant role in boosting your running economy.

Strength training and plyometric exercises can enhance your muscular strength and power, enabling you to generate more force with each stride. This added force propels you forward more efficiently, reducing the energy expenditure required for the same pace. Improved running economy means you can cover more distance with less effort, which is particularly beneficial for races and endurance runs.

Enhances Muscle Activation and Recruitment to Support Your Run:

To become a better runner, you need to engage specific muscles effectively during your runs. The gym provides an excellent environment to target and activate those muscles through isolated and compound exercises. By working on muscle imbalances and weaknesses, you can improve your overall running form and technique.

For example, a stronger core will help stabilise your torso during running, leading to better posture and reduced risk of injuries. Strengthening your glutes will support your hips and knees, reducing the strain on these joints during repetitive impact.

If you're a runner looking to improve your performance and reduce the risk of injury, adding gym workouts to your training routine can be highly effective. Research shows that gym training can help strengthen connective tissue, improve coordination and power, enhance your running economy, and increase muscle activation and recruitment. So put on your runners, head to the gym, and take your running to the next level! It's important to work with a fitness professional to create a personalised program that aligns with your unique running goals and requirements. Wishing you happy and successful runs!


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